a place where students talk about what matters most:

body image relationships stress self-awareness transitions

building community where students:

have a voice

Trained student Small Group Leaders facilitate groups so that every person has a chance to be heard.

find their people

Freshmen and Sophomore participants know that their Junior and Senior leaders are FOR them, inside of group and out.

can be real

Not only are groups “judgement-free” and confidential, they are led by older students who can often understand what the younger members are dealing with.

schools we serve

our kids shouldn’t do life alone.
This needs to change:


isolation/not found their people


relationships being superficial


talking to strangers on social


seeking info on reddit


disengaging in phones/xbox

Sometimes, you just want a break from school (and even your friends), and S4S provided that comfort for me. thanks to my small group leaders who created such a safe space for everyone.

– Meghan D

we create opportunities for
REAL community & REAL conversations

Students for Students provides curriculum topics crowd-sourced directly from students to ensure we are talking about what students want to talk about. Topics include:






their sport at school





traffic tickets









students for students groups are:

peer led

All groups are led by students, there are no adults in the room so groups are comfortable letting down their guard and having tough conversations.


Students for Students is passionate about being a place where all students can be themselves. They get to know each other and realize they are often dealing with the same issues. The conversations are natural, organic, and REAL.


Groups meet on their high-school campus weekly or every other week. It’s a space students can count on to be a constant in their lives; a place where they are known and heard. Consistency is the key to building deep connections and friendships.

I loved leading a group of people my junior year and would love to do it again too! I enjoy being a leader to the underclassmen and talking to them to help them through the year. I believe it helps create community and improve others’ mental health as well as my own through the friendships created.

– Emily H
Charlotte Latin School

start groups at your school

are you a student who wants to make a lasting impact in your high school?


you are a leader who sees the potential of building community at your school


you want to make an impact


you want to unite students, not divide them


you want to improve the culture on your high school campus


you want to build connections and deep friendships for all

Become a students for students leader.

If you would like to be a catalyst for change in your High School, Students FOR Students would love to meet you! We provide you with tools, tips, and training to start and lead an SFS group at your school.

With increasing concern regarding mental wellness within the current youth, I think it is crucial to create a space that talks about issues regarding these subjects. I want to be a small group leader because not only do I want to be in a group that addresses mental well-being, but I also want to help lead the discussion with my group.

– Grace V.

students meet consistently

get to know each other, really.

conversations are open & authentic

be a sponsor:

do you have a passion for helping high school students thrive?

Become a students for students sponsor.

SFS is changing the lives of students by helping them be known, heard, and find their people. We are looking for sponsors to expand our impact across CLT. If you love students and would like to sponsor a group in your local area, reach out to us.

benefits of the program for the school

Building community

We are building a community across a diverse group of students.

real conversations

Students are having real conversations about the things that matter most

Students are heard & known

Students feel heard and known at their school

Unity & togetherness

We are creating a culture of unity and togetherness in classrooms, lunchrooms, and hallways

Deep student friendships

Students are connecting, finding their people and creating deep friendships

Let’s help our kids thrive.